Who we are?

Canvas shot is one of a kind art piece seller in town. Also makes customised pieces of art work according to client requirement, whether it be a painting or a crafts work. We have a large collection of such works displayed in website. We make every art piece with our own hands with utmost perfection. We splash colours in your imagination to give it a concrete form. We also help people to learn, as learning helps grow everyone!

How it started?

It just started with a small group of people who wanted to discover and learn about painting and crafts work. People join our workshop to learn for joy, playing with colours and shaping the artist within self.  Painting or making crafts are one of the ways to express self and has an aesthetic value. As well as channelling self in a manner to balance life. People of any age group join us to learn. Canvas shot is a team who guide you for the artist in you to blossom. Right from holding a paint brush to giving the final touch of colours of your imagination on a Canvas. We are a team of artists and imaginators whom their keen interest and passion in this field has kept together for years. We want people to learn and discover themselves by painting and art works. After all, life is a blank canvas and we all have the colours to fill it in, isn’t it.

What we do?

We exhibit number of paintings and art works, which are for available for sale also. In our website you can go through pieces ranging from mini to large sized paintings. Variety of content are available, from abstract to still life. In art works we have many household products that have been recycled to make beautiful things. And if you want something specific we are also take customized orders to fulfil our client’s requirement.


Learning is always fun. That’s why we provide workshops to learn different genres of paintings and crafts. Every fortnight workshops are done in a very creative environment. No disturbance and having your personal space with a supporting ambiance. So what are you waiting for come and join us!