Canvas shot is one of a kind of art piece seller in town

We make customised pieces of art works according to client requirement. Whether it be a painting or any crafts work.

Explore Our Work

We make every art piece with our own hands with utmost perfection.


  • I recently bought a mini canvas art work. No doubt it’s an Amazing piece of art, looking beautifull at my wardrobe. Keep up the good work.

    Sanjeet nayak

    Food Blogger, Traveller
  • My Experience with Canvas Shots workshop has been truly awesome. The team is fantastic, they provided hand holding support to explore my imagination in an art form. Thank you for great teaching.

    Gunjeet Bhansingh

    Professional Photographer

Want to Join Our Art and Craft Party

Who doesn’t love a party. If we say there is a learning as well !! Learning is always fun. That’s why we provide workshops to learn different genres of paintings and crafts. Every fortnight workshops are done in a very creative environment. No disturbance and having your personal space with a supporting ambiance. So what are you waiting for come and join us!